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8 Online Tutoring Jobs to Work from Home

8 online tutoring jobs


Hey, welcome back to Blogstera the place to be if you’re looking to create a fabulous career and master your life. In this blog, I am going to share with you eight websites where you can find online tutoring jobs that you can do from home. So you can start making money online in 2024. Let me share with you these eight websites where you can make money online as a tutor or a teacher. 

1. VIP Kids

So the first one that I would like to talk about today is VIP Kids. Essentially this one is an English teaching online platform. On this platform, teachers from the US and Canada can teach English to students from China mainly. Don’t worry you do not need to speak Chinese to qualify. The platform VIP Kids allows the students to be fully immersed in the English language and culture. So you only should be speaking to them in English.


The application process is supposed to be quite straightforward and quick. You don’t need any investment and any experience as a teacher. Essentially you only need to prove that you can speak English fluently without an accent. You will also be able to follow the lesson plans and the curriculum that VIP kids make available to you. It’s quite easy and flexible because once you are accepted and enrolled you can start booking lessons whenever that is okay for you and whenever you have the time. So if you’re doing this as a side hustle then you can manage your schedule quite easily.


The income that I was able to figure out based on the information on their website is that you should be able to earn 15 to 22 dollars an hour. Consider this one as your first opportunity to have an online teaching career.

2. Cambly

Alright, so the second one that we should be talking about is This one is cool because it doesn’t only target kids, it also offers English courses to organizations that want to make sure that their employees have a really good command of English. So if you are an English teacher and you enroll on Cambly you can either work with children or work with corporate employees. You do not need to have any prior experience to work with Cambly.


They say on their website that you can charge 10 to 20 per hour. So of course this one is not as high as others but since they don’t require any experience it might be a good place for you to start.

3. QKids

So the third one that I would like to mention to you today is called QKids. This is another English teaching platform that brings together online teachers from all over the world. You can teach English to over 800,000 Chinese students who are aged between 4 and 12. This is a great opportunity if you are already a certified English teacher.

Application Process

The application process is quite straightforward and takes about two weeks. You need to go through two interviews and run a few I think three or four demo lessons. They have a fully designed curriculum that you can leverage. So basically the learning process and the teaching process is fun and easy. It’ll be very enjoyable both for you and for the kids.


The income that I do understand from their website is between 16 and 20 dollars per hour. So of course your income will depend on the number of sessions that you book. I think this one is a cute one that you should look into if you comply with the criteria that I mentioned before.

4. Magic Years

Number four is another English teaching platform called Magic Years. Essentially it’s quite similar to the other ones that we’ve mentioned before so you’re teaching English online to students aged between 4 and 12. You are provided the curriculum and you can book classes whenever you have the time. Some English teaching experience and a BA degree are required. You also should be located in the US or Canada.


They pay according to their website between 15 and 26 dollars per hour. So you would be able to earn slightly more than with some of the other ones. It also depends a lot on the number of sessions that you book. All in all Magic Years is another cool really cute platform they have a nice design as well. So I think it’ll be enjoyable for you and your students.

5. Howl

The number five is howl and this one is an English teaching platform that you can use to teach professionally. If you are already a certified teacher who has experience in US or Canadian education systems then maybe you want to look into howl.


So you would need to have a bachelor’s degree and experience in the American or the Canadian education system. If you comply with these criteria then you would be able to enroll on Howl and conduct class or group lessons with multiple kids. So again this one is slightly different because you would be tutoring a group of kids and you would be teaching them English. Another requirement is that you are a native English speaker with a neutral accent. So if you want to know more then you can visit this link to their website. 

6. Prepley

So number six is Prepley and this one is another online teaching platform for languages. Here you do not need to be restricted to English you can teach any language. Although it will allow you to book more lessons so you eventually earn more money. But you don’t have to be a certified teacher as long as you are fluent in the language that you would like to teach. You can teach students based anywhere in the world. You can also teach corporate languages to companies that are looking to ensure that their employees are fluent in the language. On Preppy, you can enroll without having to have experience or even be based in the US or Canada. You can be based anywhere in the world and use Prepley as your platform to interact with your students.


In terms of income, some of their best teachers tend to earn about 550 dollars per week. But of course, this one is eventually up to you because it depends a lot on how many lessons you book and how much time you want to dedicate to this if it is a full-time thing or only a side hustle.

7. Italki

All right, the seventh one that I want to talk about is called italki. Italki is a language teaching platform and what’s nice about this one is that you can teach any language it does not have to be English. So basically it’s not restricted to English only. Another nice thing about Italki is that it allows you to choose from two different types of profiles. One is a community tutor and the other is a professional teacher. The difference between these two is the level of certification that you have. So if you’re not native in a language then you can be a community tutor and teach that language on Italki. You need to do a short video and go through an interview process and that’s it.


You would be able to earn a minimum of four dollars per lesson depending on the price that you establish for yourself. Now if you are already a certified teacher then you might want to apply for a professional teacher profile. In this case, the application process is going to be a little bit more complex. They need to validate your experience and your certifications as a teacher. It should take about 20 days for the approval process. So there’s a minimum threshold of eight dollars per hour that you should charge for your lessons. Italki is a really good opportunity you can be based anywhere and you can teach any language as long as you choose one of the two profiles.

8. Chegg

The eighth one that we are going to talk about today is probably the coolest one of all and the best opportunity I think. This one is called Chegg and on this platform, you can teach any subject it does not have to be English, doesn’t even have to be a language. You can teach anything from biology to math from physics to chemistry anything. A teaching diploma is not required but you do need to prove very strong knowledge of your subject during the interview process.

You can also do this from anywhere in the world so you do not have to be based out of the US or Canada. Another interesting aspect is that you would be working with students of different levels of ages. So you can work with middle school, high school, and even with working professionals. You can make around 20 per hour so the pay is not bad. If you want to do this as a side hustle check is awesome because you can teach anything.


I hope you found something interesting to learn about becoming an online teacher or an online tutor. You can choose any of the platforms mentioned above that suit you. Share this blog post with your friends and family who are interested in online tutoring. 

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