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Home » 5 YouTube jobs – How to start making money from YouTube

5 YouTube jobs – How to start making money from YouTube

start making money from YouTube


Hey, welcome back to my blog. I’m a business strategist and a freelancing coach. I’ve been working remotely myself for the last eight years. On this blog website, we talk loads about freelancing, working from home, and making money online. In today’s blog, I want to share with you five YouTube jobs that you can start today. They don’t require a lot of expertise and they can help you start making money from YouTube. 

YouTube’s World

Thirty Seven million channels exist on YouTube today and 500 hours of content are being uploaded every single minute. There’s an opportunity there YouTube can be very lucrative but you need to figure out what is the right way for you to make money from YouTube.

Making money from YouTube

You have clicked many blogs hoping that you can learn how to make money from YouTube. All you found were people telling you to download other people’s videos and upload them as your own. Well, this blog is going to be different. Today, I want to share with you five honest and legit YouTube jobs that you can start today. These will help you make money from YouTube without having to have your own channel.

About this Blog

If this is your first time coming across my blog then the one thing that you need to know about me is that I’m not only obsessed with giving you guys practical suggestions and advice that you can implement quite easily to become more financially independent. I’m also quite a bit of a data nerd and I probably spend way too much time on Upwork for myself and my freelance coaching clients.


Job #1: YouTube SEO Expert

So job number one I want to talk to you about today is a YouTube SEO expert. We just mentioned at the beginning that 500 hours of content are being uploaded to YouTube every single minute.

Creators’ Desire for Audience Retention

So tons of videos out there and every single creator wants to get their content in front of the right audience. They want as many eyeballs as possible to be watching their videos otherwise they wouldn’t be creating that.

YouTube SEO

To do this they need to understand how the optimization for the YouTube search engine works. Sometimes many of them either don’t have the time or don’t have the interest to get deep into the nitty-gritty details of YouTube SEO.

Opportunity for SEO Specialists

They need people like you who can help them optimize their videos. So they can increase the reach, increase the number of people that are watching their videos, and potentially subscribing to their channels.

Learning Resources for YouTube SEO

For you to be able to do this kind of work there are tons of free resources already on YouTube. So there are lots of content creators that are super successful and that have created their programs. They teach you not only how to create your YouTube channel and how to run it but also how to use the optimization of the search engine for YouTube to rank higher and show up in search and suggest it. So tons of resources for you to learn this kind of stuff.

Increasing Demand for SEO Experts

Now the need for YouTube SEO experts is increasing slowly. Right now on Upwork, there are about 70 jobs that are looking for YouTube SEO experts. Some are looking for people who can help them completely redo their channel from an SEO perspective.

Earning as a YouTube SEO Expert

Let’s say they pay between 100$ to 350$ per project or some people are looking for ongoing support with their YouTube videos. In that case, you will get paid sometimes per video, per hour and, the hourly rate tends to range between 25 to 35 dollars. You have tons of YouTube creators on Facebook. So it’s a lot easier for you to find clients and to increase the number of projects that you work on without much effort and you don’t even have to apply on upwork as much.


Job #2: YouTube Video Editing

The second type of job that you can look into if you want to start making money from YouTube is video editing. This one is extremely intuitive.

Demand for video editing

Every single creator needs to edit their videos before they upload them to YouTube. Honestly, many creators do their editing on their own but also many of them don’t. Not only the large YouTube channels use video editing services but even some of the smaller ones. The creators don’t have the time to dedicate to editing their videos.

2024 Trends and Google Insights

If you look from a statistics perspective video editing is a trend that will continue growing. 2024 has been incredible in terms of the demand for this type of service. The view from Google Trends demonstrates how high the demand for video editing services has been in 2024. Even though it dialed down a little bit it’s still quite high. If you look at VLS they are predicting that between 2024 and 2034 this type of service is going to have an increasing demand upwards. So definitely video editing is a great one for you to look into.

Skill Development for video editing

Now obviously this one is not something that you can start overnight. You need to have the skill and the capability for you to be able to offer this kind of service. There are a lot of free courses on video editing available on YouTube.

Earning as a YouTube video editor

From a video editing perspective, the price varies a lot. Lots of things matter about the complexity of the editing. The length of the video will determine the price as well. Lots of things will have an impact on the price. You can expect to make between 50 and 200 dollars per video edited if you do a good job.

Upwork Opportunities for Video Editors

Right now there are 5436 open positions on Upwork looking for people who have video editing skills. Not all of them are related to youtube but many of them are. So definitely a great opportunity for you to look into when it comes to YouTube jobs.


Job #3: YouTube Manager

All right job number three that you can look into if you want to start making money from YouTube is YouTube Manager. Here you don’t have to only think about the large management companies that work with the PewDiePies, Joe Rogans, and Mr Beast. I’m talking about a YouTube manager who can help smaller YouTubers manage their channel.

In terms of what you can be expected to do is anything from:

  • Uploading videos
  • Scheduling videos
  • Promoting videos as soon as they go live
  • Working with sponsors
  • Working with the featured guests

So there is lots of work that you can do and growth opportunities there as well. As the channel grows you continue growing as well. You can become a producer and start working with more channels and take them on the same growth journey.


You can expect to make around 25 to 35 dollars an hour as a YouTube manager. Sometimes you might have a monthly retainer that you agree with the creator in terms of the demand. Right now on Upwork, there are only 16 jobs open that are looking for somebody to help them manage their YouTube channel.

How to get job opportunities

Now the important caveat here is that if you only look for a YouTube manager or YouTube channel manager you will only find a small number of opportunities. Most of the time people list these types of opportunities as virtual assistants. So you will find thousands of job opportunities even on upwork. They’re looking for support with managing their YouTube channel.

Where to learn

Learning how to do this and where to develop the skills. Tons of free resources exist already on YouTube right now that you can go and watch. Also some affordable courses on Udemy where you can go and learn a lot about how to manage a YouTube channel.


Job #5: Voice Over Artist

YouTube job number five is a voiceover artist. Recently there has been a clear increase in the number of explainer videos and animations uploaded to YouTube. It is cheaper and faster to produce these kind of videos. It’s also easier for the content creators themselves. They choose not to show their face in front of the camera not only that but many of them choose not even to use their voice. So that is why they decide to go for the services of a voice-over artist.

Tasks of a voice-over artist

  • Receive the script (usually it’s in English)
  • You need to read it script
  • Sometimes they will ask for a particular accent and sometimes they won’t
  • You just need to read it in a way that it matches the video animation


Now the main technology requirement that you need to have if you choose to become a voice-over artist is a very good-quality microphone. The quality of the sound is going to be key in how impactful your voiceover is going to be on those videos.


Now in terms of demand, this is one of the high-demand jobs on upwork. In terms of payment what you can expect is between 20 to 60 dollars an hour. if you get paid per project depending on the length of the video you can expect to get between 100 and 150 dollars. Of course, if the video is longer and you need to have a longer voiceover portion then you can expect higher pay.



All right you guys before we close you might have noticed that I chose not to discuss transcription services. However in many cases when people think about working on jobs related to YouTube first thought is transcription. First of all, it’s something that is already automated within YouTube so it’s not something that has a future. Also, there are tons of reasons related to the value-added when it comes to transcription services that I don’t feel comfortable encouraging you guys to go and specialize in. We talked about the five YouTube jobs that will help you to start making money from YouTube right now. I hope you enjoyed today’s blog share with a friend who might also be interested in making money through YouTube without necessarily creating a channel. If you want to learn about how to find freelance jobs with no experience on Upwork you can read this Blog(Freelance jobs with no experience).

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